Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dear Mr. President

A Tuesday without Idol should never happen. It totally throws off my whole week. Are you a Grey's Anatomy fan or something? If not, you should move this type of thing to Thursday. Seriously, this is twice now. And I love you. I think you are the greatest President in the world. I voted for you, I campaigned for you, I went to your Inauguration and everything. But seriously, I would love it if you move these primetime press conferences and stuff to Monday or Friday or Thursday! I think it would be better. I really do. Just a suggestion.


Idol Advice

Well, I better just gear up for voting tomorrow. After the show, I will advise you on who to vote on based on the best/most entertaining performance of the night. Look you can be the best but boring. And you can be good but very entertaining. To me, Idol is about singing plus personality. I think the person who is giving me the most through that TV deserves to stay.

Of course, I will be voting for Anoop! I mean, that's just fact. Sky is blue, Cows make milk, I vote for Anoop... regardless of how he does (He always does great btw).

How do you feel about that voting strategy? Do you tend to stick with one person or does your vote change week by week by week?

Also, I don't believe in vote spiiting. That's just dumb. It's also a personal decision.

I can't wait until tomorrow night. Motown Week here we COME!

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